
About Me

Hi, o你好?

Welcome to my weblog, where from time to time I will be posting some of my thoughts and ideas about the world, mankind, and everything else I find amusing or somehow useful to others.

It will be as interesting as a fellow human's thoughts can be.

These are ideas I have developed throughout my life as a result of my personal experiences. 
They will be no more than mere clichés for some and new points of view for others, I hope.

My aim is to share some of the stuff I have realised during my time in this plane, and hope that it can encourage new ideas for me and you. 
I find that when I understand what is happening to me, and the reason why things are happening, it is much easier to have some control over the outcome in those situations.

Short background about yours truly

I have lived for three decades and I have made my home in three different places. 

The beach of S. Pedro, pure paradise as a child.
My journey started here, in Sao Pedro do Estoril, Portugal. 
The memories I have from this place carry a lot of mixed emotions, and were probably the most important in forming my personality.

A "toy town" as I used to call it, because everything
is built perfectly, and everything runs exactly according
to everyone's expectations. Life is easy

This was my second stop. Macau. The beautiful and amazing Macau, where so much is possible. 
The memories from Macau are very close to my heart, and if I called anywhere in the world home, this place would probably be it.

A beautiful manifestation of nature at the old pier
And here we are now, Brighton, in England.
This where I continue to grow, to put my ideas and theories into practice, and where I continue to develop new visions.
Hopefully, they will be of use, and not a way of wasting time :)

I will continue to update this blog with more pictures and videos from all the places I've been and the people I've met, as well as with links to useful and cool stuff.
Feel free to comment on my posts. Anything you have to say is important, because everything I write is about you.

Enjoy :)

1 comment:

David said...

let the bird leave its nest to share with the world, duderist!! David